Thursday, June 08, 2006


Elige la vida, elige un empleo, elige una carrera, elige una familia, elige un televisor grande que te cagas, elige lavadoras, coches, equipos de compact disc y abrelatas eléctricos. Elige la sal, colesterol bajo y seguros dentales, elige pagar hipótecas a interés fijo, elige un piso píloto, elige a tus amigos. Elige ropa deportiva y maletas a juego, elige pagar a plazos un traje de marca en una amplia gama de putos tejidos. Elige el bricolaje y pregúntate quién coño eres los domingos por la mañana. Elige sentarte en el sofá a ver tele-concursos que embotan la mente y aplastan el espíritu, mientras llenas tu boca de puta comida basura. Elige pudrirte de viejo, cagándote y meándote encima, en un asilo miserable, siendo una carga para los niñatos egoístas y hechos polvo que has engendrado para reemplazarte. Elige tu futuro. Elige la vida... Pero, por que querria elegir asi?

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Friday, March 17, 2006

Music on Londontales

For the last few months, my blog have background music as a second blog within, most of the times with connection with the published meanwhile and other with own sense. Sometimes hiding deep secrets and others showing around instead, from the past or the future. A few times showing the meaning to just one of you. Is completely impossible to all of you reach the real meaning of each song has for me. Don’t think too much about, it has nonsense....

Thursday, March 16, 2006

A man without job

Sometimes things are not as good as they look. As good as bad is to be without work to do or earns, being your own boss with nobody who cares about what are you doing if is well or bad done, been responsible about yourself but without responsibility...

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Blogs on Blogs

Some time ago I thought about relate a list with all blogs you can reach if you start in mine until which are after fifth jumps. Now is so fashion to have a blog I just have could include two of this stages...I f tried just one more with one of the related blogs I should increase my list with 153 more links! Also happened like with published books, nobody can be on date. I invite you to have a look all of them, I did it and is quite interesting, are about almost everything!